APH Yield Exclusion Programs

The Actual Production History (APH) Yield Exclusion (YE) maps illustrate the occurrence of yield exclusions by crop, irrigation practice, and location.


Commodity Programs

The Commodity Programs application displays RMA insurance program availability for the selected commodity and year, at the county level.

Commodity »

Livestock Programs

The Livestock Programs application shows insurance program availability for the selected livestock program and year.

Livestock »

Dates Programs

The Dates Programs application shows RMA Insurance program date choices for acreage reporting, cancellation, contract change, earliest planting, end of insurance, end of late planting period, final planting, premium billing, production reporting, sales closing, and termination dates, when applicable, per commodity, insurance plan, type, and practice.

Dates »

Endorsement Plan Availability


The Endorsement Plan Availability application, provides county level information on program availability, as well as production area definitions for the following:

Endorsement Plan »

Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index (HIP-WI)

The HIP-WI maps display the named hurricane and tropical storm events eligible for an indemnity payment according to the HIP-WI Endorsement.


Summary of Business

The Summary of Business - Internal application illustrates a selection of RMA business data. The business data is initially summarized and displayed by county, and can be further refined by selecting a commodity.

Data for the most recent five years are refreshed each Monday morning and include all business data accepted through the preceding week. RMA data prior to the most recent five years remains static.

SoB »